eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

2012   Volume No 23 – pages 310-319

Title: Strategies for improved targeting of therapeutic cells: Implications for tissue repair

Author: S Ansboro, U Greiser, F Barry, M Murphy

Address: Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

E-mail: mary.murphy at

Key Words: Mesenchymal stem cells; chondrocytes; nanoparticles; targeting approaches; cell surface markers; cartilage repair; osteoarthritis; regenerative medicine

Publication date: April 21st 2012

Abstract: Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been suggested as a suitable cell source for cell-based treatments for diseases such as osteoarthritis due to their ability to differentiate towards chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages. MSCs can be obtained from a variety of tissue sources, are scalable for mass-production and immuno-privileged enabling their use for allogeneic cell therapy. However, recent pre-clinical studies and clinical trials point to the necessity of increasing engraftment and efficacy of MSCs. This review explores how cell surface modification of the cells can improve homing of MSCs and summarises the use of nanoparticles to enable gene delivery by stem cells as well as facilitate in vivo imaging. The use of advanced biomaterials and how they can be applied to reduce the overall dose of MSCs during therapeutic interventions while achieving optimal targeting efficiency of cells to the diseased sites are addressed. Particular attention is paid to methods that improve engraftment of MSCs to cartilage and research describing combinatorial approaches of particle-based cell therapies for improved regeneration of this tissue is reviewed. The use of such approaches will add to the array of potential regenerative therapeutics for treatment of osteoarthritis.

Article download: Pages 310-319 (PDF file)
DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v023a24