eCM Founders, Editorial Board, Ambassador & International Review Panel
eCM Editor-in-Chief |
Editor-in-Chief |
eCM Associate Editor |
Associate Editor |
eCM Scientific Editors |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
Scientific Editor (SE) |
eCM Ambassador |
eCM Ambassador to Southern China 2020-2022 |
eCM Founders |
Past Editor-in-Chief (since founding until June 2024) |
eCM editors, ambassadors and members of the International Review Panel are volunteers for the eCM Open Access Scientific Journal. They are scientists dedicating time to improve manuscripts and the spread of knowledge for the benefit of all.
eCM Council meeting, 2018
Past eCM Scientific Editors and past members of the eCM International Review Panel
eCM is proud to announce that one of its Scientific Editors, Prof. Fergal J. O’Brien, is the recipient of the 2023 Marshall R. Urist, MD Award. We congratulate him on this tremendous achievement. He is the forth eCM scientific Editor to receive this illustrious award after Prof. Brian Johnstone, who was the 2017 recipient, Prof. Chris Evans, who was the 2009 recipient and Prof Mauro Alini who won the 2015 Award.
eCM International Review Panel
Volker Alt (University Hospital Giessen, DE)
Jennifer Bara (Washington University, US)
Andrea Barbero (University Hospital Basel, CH)
Mario Barbosa (INEB, PT)
Manus Biggs (National University of Ireland, IE)
Marc Bohner (Robert Mathys Foundation, CH)
Catherine Chaussain (Faculté Odontologie Université Paris Descartes, FR)
Louis WH Cheung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)
Laura Creemers (University Medical Center Utrecht, NL)
Magali Cucchiarini (University of Saarlandes, DE)
Guy Daculsi (Nantes University, FR)
Elena Della Bella (AO Research Institute Davos, CH)
James Dennis (Baylor College of Medicine, US)
Nunzia Di Maggio (Universitat Basel, CH)
Francesca Diomede (G. d'Annunzio University, IT)
Jay Dudhia (The Royal Veterinary College, UK)
David Eglin (Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, FR)
Eric Farrell (Erasmus University Medical Centre, NL)
Georg Feichtinger (University of Leeds, UK)
Matthew Fisher (University of North Carolina, US)
Jamie Fitzgerald (Oregon Health Sciences University,
Sabine Fuchs (Johannes Gutenberg University, DE)
Benjamin Gantenbein (University of Bern, CH)
Oliver Gardner (University College London, UK)
Vaida Glatt (University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, US)
Michel Goldberg (University of Paris Descartes, FR)
Daniel Graf (University of Zurich, CH)
David Grainger (University of Utah, US)
Farshid Guilak (Washington University Center of Regenerative Medicine, US)
Olivier Guillaume (AO Research Institute Davos, CH)
Pamela Habibovic (University of Twente MIRA, NL)
Lisbet Agneta Haglund (Montreal General Hospital, CA)
Llinos Harris (Swansea University, UK)
Marietta Herrmann (University of Wuerzburg, DE)
John Hunt (Nottingham Trent University, England, UK)
James C. Iatridis (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA)
Svenja Illien-Junger (Emory University, USA)
Keita Ito (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
Katharina Jähn (Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, DE)
Daniel Kelly (Trinity College, IE)
Ilyas Khan (Swansea University, UK)
Jenneke Klein-Nulend (MOVE Research Institute Amsterdam, NL)
Matthias Laschke (Universität des Saarlandes, DE)
Jaebum Lee (Georgia Health Sciences University, US)
Zhen Li (AO Research Institute Davos, CH)
Matthias Lutolf (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Henning Madry
(Universität des Saarlandes, DE)
Brandon Markway (Oregon Health & Science University, US)
Milena Mastrogiacomo (Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul
Cancro Genova, IT)
Audrey McAlinden (Washington University, USA)
Helen E. McCarthy (Cardiff University, UK)
Willem-Jan Metsemakers (KU Leuven, BE)
William Murphy (University of Wisconsin, US)
Fackson Mwale (McGill University, CA)
Christopher Niyibizi (Penn State College of Medicine, US)
Rachel O'Brien-Waddington (Cardiff University, UK )
Giovanna Orsini (University of Marche, IT)
Gethin Owen (University of British Columbia, CA)
Pierfrancesco Pagella (University of Zurich, CH)
Gianpaolo Papaccio (Second University of Naples, IT)
Petros Papagerakis (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US)
Ryan M. Porter (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, US)
Ling Qin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)
Heinz Redl (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, AT)
Gwendolen Reilly (Kroto Research Institute, UK)
Wiltrud Richter (Heidelberg University Hospital, DE)
Mathis Riehle (University of Glasgow, UK)
Gundula Gesine Schulze-Tanzil (Klinikum Nürnberg Medical, DE)
Edward Schwarz (University of Rochester, USA)
Lachlan J. Smith (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Matthew Stewart (University of Illinois, US)
Jivko V. Stoyanov (Swiss Paraplegic Research, CH)
Stefan Tangl (Medical University of Vienna, AT)
Andreas Traweger
(Paracelsus Medical University, AT)
Oriana Trubiani (G. d'Annunzio University, IT)
Martijn van Griensven (Technical University Munich, DE)
Gerjo van Osch (Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, NL)
Andrea Vernengo (AO Research Institute Davos, CH)
Sophie Verrier (AO Research Institute Davos, CH)
Laurence Vico (Saint-Etienne, FR)
Britt Wildemann (Charite-Universitätsmedizin, DE)
Karin Wuertz-Kozak (ETH Zurich, CH)
Huipin Yuan (Twente University, NL)
Charalampos Zalavras (University of Southern California, USA)
Stephan Zeiter (AO Research Institute Davos, CH)
Dimitrios I. Zeugolis
Authors of papers published in eCM should be available to review for eCM. The rationale behind this is that your peers have volunteered their time to bring your work to publication, hence, we expect all our authors to also review for eCM.
Application to review for eCM
eCM realizes that our expert reviewers greatly contribute to eCM success and that the rigorous review system directly impacts the quality of the journal we publish. eCM initiated a transparent review process in 2000 (now known as open peer review), including a merit-based transparent route to becoming a member of the eCM International Review Panel.
eCM is an open and transparent journal. After 8-10 well-rated timely reviews for eCM (based upon speed, relevance and quality), you can apply to join the International Review Panel. Just email the Editor-in-Chief and he will check with eCM Scientific Editors if you qualify to join.
If you want to review for eCM and possibly join the International Review Panel in future, please register at and click create account on the top right hand corner. Once you have completed this along with keywords, please send a 2 page CV to ecm at along with the list of keywords that may be passed onto all eCM Scientific Editors to know that you are keen to review for eCM.
Responsibilities in the Submission and Peer-Review Process: authors, journal and reviewers bear responsibility in the review process. Read the guidelines of the ICMJE.