eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

2005   Volume No 9 – pages 39-49

Title: Basic reactions of osteoblasts on structured material surfaces


Authors: U. Meyer, A. Büchter, H.P. Wiesmann, U. Joos and D.B. Jones

Address: Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Münster, Waldeyerstr. 30, D-48149 Münster. Germany

E-mail: ulrich.meyer at

Key Words: Biomaterials, tissue engineering, osteoblasts, cell culture


Publication date: April 26th 2005

Abstract: In order to assess how bone substitute materials determine bone formation in vivo it is useful to understand the mechanisms of the material surface/tissue interaction on a cellular level. Artificial materials are used in two applications, as biomaterials alone or as a scaffold for osteoblasts in a tissue engineering approach. Recently, many efforts have been undertaken to improve bone regeneration by the use of structured material surfaces. In vitro studies of bone cell responses to artificial materials are the basic tool to determine these interactions. Surface properties of materials surfaces as well as biophysical constraints at the biomaterial surface are of major importance since these
features will direct the cell responses. Studies on osteoblastlike cell reactivity towards materials will have to focus on the different steps of protein and cell reactions towards
defined surface properties. The introduction of new techniques allows nowadays the fabrication of materials with ordered surface structures. This paper gives a review of present knowledge on the various stages of osteoblast reactions on material surfaces, focused on basic cell events under in vitro conditions. Special emphasis is given to
cellular reactions towards ordered nano-sized topographies.


Article download: Pages 39-49. (PDF file)
DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v009a06