eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

2006   Volume No 12 – pages 26 -35

Title: Theoretical and experimental approach to test the cohesion of calcium phosphate pastes

Author: M Bohner, N Doebelin, G Baroud

Address: Dr hc Robert Mathys Foundation, Bischmattstrasse 12, 2544 Bettlach, Switzerland

E-mail: marc.bohner at

Key Words: Cohesion, calcium phosphate, cement, viscosity, paste, vertebroplasty, rheology

Publication date: August 29th 2006

Abstract: Recent studies have revealed that the ability of a calcium phosphate cement paste to harden in a physiological environment without desintegrating into small particles might be a key property to ensure a safe and reliable clinical use of calcium phosphate cements. However, this property called cohesion is not well understood and has not been studied extensively. The goal of the present study was to better understand which factors affect the cohesion of a calcium phosphate paste using the combination of a theoretical and experimental approach. In the theoretical approach, factors expected to influence the paste cohesion such as Van der Waals forces, electrostatic and steric interactions, as well as osmotic effects were listed and discussed. In the experimental approach, a new method to measure the cohesion of a non-setting calcium phosphate paste was presented and used to assess the effects of various factors on this property. The new method allowed a continuous measurement of cohesion and gave reproducible results. The experimental results confirmed the theoretical predictions: an increase of the liquid-to-powder ratio of the paste and of the powder particle size, as well as the addition of citrate ions and in limited cases dissolved xanthan polymer chains reduced the paste cohesion.


Article download: Pages 26 -35 (PDF file)
DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v012a03