eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials) eCM Open Access Scientific Journal
 ISSN:1473-2262         NLM:100973416 (link)         DOI:10.22203/eCM

2017   Volume No 33 – pages 294-307

Title: Tendon healing induced by chemically modified mRNAs

Authors: K Groth, T Berezhanskyy, MK Aneja, J Geiger, M Schweizer, L Maucksch, T Pasewald, T Brill, B Tigani, E Weber, C Rudolph, G Hasenpusch

Address: Ethris GmbH, Semmelweisstr. 3, 82152 Planegg, Germany

E-mail:  rudolph at

Key Words: mRNA, tendinopathy, tendon rupture, gene therapy, regenerative medicine, sheep.


Publication date: May 24th 2017

Abstract: Tendon disorders are frequent both in human and veterinary medicine with high re-injury rates and unsatisfactory therapeutic treatments. Application of naked, chemically-modified mRNA (cmRNA), encoding for therapeutic proteins, is an innovative approach to address tendon healing. In the current study, we demonstrated that injection of naked cmRNA, diluted in a glucose-containing solution, into tendons resulted in high protein expression in healthy and experimentally-injured tendons. Injection of bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP-7)-encoding cmRNA resulted in a significantly higher expression of BMP-7 protein and reduced formation of collagen type III, compared to vehicle control. Moreover, in a large animal model, reporter protein expression was detectable not only in healthy, but also in experimentally-injured, severely inflamed tendons. Summarising, these results demonstrated the potential of cmRNAs encoding for therapeutic proteins as a new class of drugs for the treatment of tendon disorders.


Article download: Pages 294-307(PDF file)