2021 Volume No 41 pages 811-833
Title: What the future holds for regenerative endodontics: novel antimicrobials and regenerative strategies |
Authors: M Matoug-Elwerfelli, H Nazzal, M Duggal, R El-Gendy |
Address: Department of Clinical Dental Science, Princess
Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
E-mail: mmelwerfelli at pnu.edu.sa |
Abstract: Regenerative/revitalisation endodontic techniques are increasingly used as a treatment approach for the
management of immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps. Different chemical irrigants and medicaments
are routinely used clinically for intra-canal disinfection. However, despite remarkable progress in this
field, coronal discolouration, cell cytotoxicity, difficulty of removal of organic biofilm from the root canal,
development of sensitisation and antimicrobial resistance are still challenges to this line of treatment. This
review critically discusses and challenges the current status quo of antimicrobials used in regenerative
endodontics and sheds the light on future alternative antimicrobial materials with regenerative potential. |
Key Words: Antimicrobials, antibiotics, disinfection, biomaterials, regenerative endodontics, drug delivery,
dental pulp stem cells, pulp regeneration. |
Publication date: June 25th 2021 |
Article download: Pages
811-833 (PDF file) |